Academics » CAL - Student Support

CAL - Student Support

Supporting Literacy Skill Development at Home



Accommodations: At Yavneh, our goal is for all students to have the tools necessary to access curriculum and successfully demonstrate their knowledge. The CAL Department works closely with teachers to ensure that the accommodations recommended by trusted professionals are implemented within the classroom. Some common accommodations include small group testing, extended time for testing and access to assistive technology. 


Intervention: The CAL department makes use of the data collected through assessment and observation to identify students that might benefit from intervention services in math and reading. Our literacy and resource specialists utilize research-based programs to provide these services in small group sessions taking place multiple times per week. 


Organizational Support: At times, students need individual support to develop the organizational skills necessary to bolster their executive functioning. A series of sessions with our CAL specialists are often the key ingredient to student success. 


Behavioral Intervention: Led by our Behavioral Analyst, our intervention team partners with parents and teachers to construct behavioral support plans that shape behavior and foster development. 


Professional Development: Teachers are the key to student success. The CAL Department provides research, continuing education, and skill-based training throughout the course of the year.